Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Modulo v1.3

new features

  1. coloring individual module's text colors
  2. shows exam dates obviously
  3. added context sensitive help text
  4. fully implemented manual selection to accomodate for
  • odd/even week slots
  • multiple slots for tutorial (e.g. module's with 3 different tutorial lessons)
  • many possible tutorials in a single time slots
we will not be upgrading Modulo for the current semester anymore except for serious bug fixes. See you next sem
Please note that you may print using File->Print option.

Any suggestions are welcome.

download verision 1.3 here

download mac version 1.3 here

Thursday, January 4, 2007

Modulo v1.2

bug fixes

  • no exam clash
  • link to module's webpage
new features
  • save typed in module codes
please also note that Modulo executables have to be downloaded again next semester until we are able to work with CORS to solve the web Modulo issues.

you support is greatly appreciated

download verision 1.2 here

download mac version 1.2 here

Project Video

A fun video made for the project. For a demo on usage of the timetable builder, see the previous post.

Monday, January 1, 2007

Video demo

A video demo of Modulo. Check out the manual selection feature. You can select a particular tutorial or lab slot to be included in your timetable. It is useful when you have been allocated a tutorial slot, or want to take the same tutorial as you friend.

Video demo in QuickTime format.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

screenshot preview

First Release

This is Modulo's first release.

download verision 1.1 here

download mac version 1.1 here

please post your suggestions here! thank you!


  1. download the program
  2. run it
  3. type in your module codes
  4. click options to set your preferences (optional)
  5. click "go!" button

  • attempts to find classes which start later in the morning (No morning class option)
  • attempts to find classes which give students a lunch break (Have lunch break option)
  • attempts to give students as many free days as possible (Maximise free days option)
  • attempts to give a compact timetable (new hidden feature)
  • gives all in one program where you can view module information as well as view your timetable
  • shows when exams clashes
  • easily change or swap modules by one click
  • gives solution quickly without hassle of timetabling yourself
  • gives "no solution" quickly so that you can select other modules quicker

what is Modulo?
Modulo is a program which was originally developed by three students (bruce chia, lim zhan wei and alvin ng shi jiin) as part of the University module's project to demonstrate Constraint Satisfaction in Artificial Intelligence in the area of timetable building. They then sought to improve it for public use and are maintaining this website here.

what was Modulo programmed in?
Modulo was made with Macromedia Flash 8tm and programmed entirely in Actionscript.

why does Modulo reside only on the web/ why must i download Modulo?
Modulo was originally made in Macromedia Flash so that it could be put on the web. However, due to certain null pointer errors in retrieving html data from the cors module listings, we couldn't find any solution to work around it. Perhaps if more people post here to request some changes, cors might do something about it.

how does Modulo work its magic?
Modulo works by using an Artifical Intelligence technique called Constraint Satisfaction. It first downloads the html data to the program and parses it into information which it can use. Then it does a search for a solution by enumerating all the possibilities of slots with some optimisations with certain algorithms like constraint propagation according to the options set. Finally it displays the output to your screen.